Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 looooooooong sentences

Many different experiences with art, people, museums and monuments have helped to shape me as an artist and a human being. These range from the blue mosque in Istanbul with its calm and distant splendor to the serenity of the sculpture garden in Goodwood, England to movies like David Lynch's Mulholland Drive where time and place are blurred, and one is never exactly sure of the truth. One experience in particular remains with me though: the tombs in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor which at the time that I visited them were freely accessible to the visitor. Once inside one enters the quiet of the underworld from over 3000 years ago, passing through hieroglyph covered corridors that are leading deeper into the baking hot rock. It is absolutely quiet, and the mysterious walls provide a connection to humanity which is revealed not through exact deciphering of the text but through the dark and dreamlike atmosphere they create and the silence of death they speak of.

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